



What is the most popular word for summer dining?

Keep fit! Nothing is more fashion than light food!


The unexpected origin of light food


Modern light foodism emphasizes a green and natural light diet, requiring less oil, less salt, lower fat and lower calories in the cooking process to avoid burdening the body. However, the term light food originated in the 17th century used to refer to simple foods like afternoon tea, and even desserts like donuts and cakes. Such a big change of its definition is totally unexpected.


Misunderstanding about light food?

Q1 - 轻食与减肥餐是一回事?

Does light food mean the menu for losing weight?

A1 - 两者区别非常大!轻食强调在一定热量下对食材的合理搭配,而非单纯对热量的节制,是健康的生活态度。

They are very different! Light food emphasizes the reasonable combination of ingredients under a certain number of calories, rather than simply control of calories, which is a healthy lifestyle.

Q2 - 轻食就是吃素不是吃肉?

Does light food means vegetarian?

A2 - 轻食绝不是素食!轻食的食材除了高纤维低热量的部分植物食材,也包括高蛋白、低脂肪的肉类和海鲜等。

Light food is never vegetarian! Light food ingredients include high-fiber and low-calorie vegetable ingredients, but also high-protein, low-fat meat and seafood, etc.


Summer time, light food prevails

1st - 天然食材 / Natural ingredients


Light food focuses on restoring the flavor of the food itself, and requires high freshness and quality of the food. The cooking method strives for simplicity, and many ingredients are eaten raw directly.

Bella Vita选用天然新鲜的食材制作多款沙拉,非常适合炎炎夏日,是我们天然食材的轻食代表。

Bella Vita uses natural and fresh ingredients to make a variety of salads, which is very suitable for hot summer and is a representative of our natural food.

2nd - 均衡营养 / Balanced nutrition


Light foodism requires food ingredients to provide nutrients in a balanced and reasonable manner, including protein, vitamins, minerals, lipids and carbohydrates. Promote coarse and fine grain collocation, meat and vegetable collocation, acid and alkali collocation, etc.


Our service managers have professional catering knowledge, you can tell them your food preferences and ordering requirements, we will do our best to customize a suitable set for you.

3rd - 健康低脂 / Healthy and Low Fat


Light food requires low sugar, low fat, low salt, high fiber light, low calories, with no burden on the body as a dietary goal. The portion of the meal is customized according to the basal metabolism of the consumer every day.

Bella Vita是正宗意大利菜系,以健康的橄榄油和低脂、低盐为口味代表。夏季特别推出烤肉沙拉系列,满足您的健康饮食主张!

Bella Vita is an authentic Italian restaurant brand, dishes flavor represented by healthy olive oil and low fat, low salt. We specially recommend barbecue salad series in summer, which can surely satisfy your healthy dietary proposition!



和Bella Vita一起~

Light food is a health attitude of lifestyle,

Enjoy delicious food, enjoy this summer,

Welcome to Bella Vita~





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